Table of Contents
Masters 2020
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Topic groups composition and cruise participation
- The water masses of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Axel Binse, Tambo S. Komano, Georges Baaklini (leg1), Gina Fifani (leg1)
- Heat/salt contents and sea-level rise: Amandine Poli (leg2), Julien Fornasari (leg2), Simon Burgaud (leg2)
- Circulation of the Northern Gyre: Louis Petiteau (leg2), Wilhelm Riom (leg2), Eli Rouzic (leg2) Mélanie Van Hove
- Deep convection in the NW Mediterranean: Olivia Martin (leg2), Kenza Himmich, Selma Jehl (leg2), Mikela Atchoarena (leg2)
- Submesoscale Coherent Vortices: Elsa Giraudat (leg1), Arthur Robin (leg1), Emma Olivier (leg1), Alban Planchat (leg1)
- Double diffusion processes: Oscar Jacquot, Arthur Waldecq (leg1), Arnaud Cerbezaud, Marcos Payo
- leg1 (7 pers. –> Topics 6, 5 and 1): Arthur Waldecq, Elsa Giraudat, Arthur Robin, Emma Olivier, Alban Planchat, Georges Baaklini, Gina Fifani
- leg2 (9 pers. –> Topics 4, 3 and 2): Olivia Martin, Selma Jehl, Mikela Atchoarena, Louis Petiteau, Wilhelm Riom, Eli Rouzic, Amandine Poli, Julien Fornasari, Simon Burgaud