Masters 2020

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Topic groups composition and cruise participation

  1. The water masses of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea: Axel Binse, Tambo S. Komano, Georges Baaklini (leg1), Gina Fifani (leg1)
  2. Heat/salt contents and sea-level rise: Amandine Poli (leg2), Julien Fornasari (leg2), Simon Burgaud (leg2)
  3. Circulation of the Northern Gyre: Louis Petiteau (leg2), Wilhelm Riom (leg2), Eli Rouzic (leg2) Mélanie Van Hove
  4. Deep convection in the NW Mediterranean: Olivia Martin (leg2), Kenza Himmich, Selma Jehl (leg2), Mikela Atchoarena (leg2)
  5. Submesoscale Coherent Vortices: Elsa Giraudat (leg1), Arthur Robin (leg1), Emma Olivier (leg1), Alban Planchat (leg1)
  6. Double diffusion processes: Oscar Jacquot, Arthur Waldecq (leg1), Arnaud Cerbezaud, Marcos Payo
  • leg1 (7 pers. –> Topics 6, 5 and 1): Arthur Waldecq, Elsa Giraudat, Arthur Robin, Emma Olivier, Alban Planchat, Georges Baaklini, Gina Fifani
  • leg2 (9 pers. –> Topics 4, 3 and 2): Olivia Martin, Selma Jehl, Mikela Atchoarena, Louis Petiteau, Wilhelm Riom, Eli Rouzic, Amandine Poli, Julien Fornasari, Simon Burgaud

Wiki pages

Routines developed during practical work

Oral presentations

Posters made during MOOSE-GE020 cruise

moose/teaching/posters2020.txt · Last modified: 2020/02/19 11:23 by testor